129 E Hopkins St. San Marcos, TX 78666
Do you have what it takes to be a world traveler?
Join The Taproom's Around The World Club!

For those brave enough to take on the challenge, we invite you to join our Around The World Beer Club. Those that are strong enough will get their name and quote on our wall of fame and earn a free t-shirt along with bragging rights! Here's how you do it:
Speak with your server about joining the beer club and get started on your punch card
Drink 22oz pints of all our 42 drafts and draft blends to complete your card
Hand your card in to the bartender when completed, think of the best quote that won't make you cringe 20 years from now
Get your t-shirt in your size shipped right to your door
Boast about how awesome you are
**If you completed your card during the pandemic years, chances are you did not get your t-shirt. If that's the case, please speak with the bartender on duty and we'll get your sorted.
WHY DOES IT TAKE "FOREVER" TO GET MY QUOTE ON THE WALL: well, that's a two-parter. First, it took us a long time to find a local printer that was willing to print the filthy things that y'all want engraved, and Second, 35-40 people must complete the beer challenge for a plaque to be printed so... patience, grasshopper.