129 E Hopkins St. San Marcos, TX 78666
Q: What’s your address / how do I find you?
A: 129 E Hopkins St. Suite #110-120
A: The Taproom is located in the alley behind The Porch, off Hopkins Street, just off the square. I know, confusing. Same building - different businesses - but shared kitchen - but kind of the same. Head down Kissing Alley or around the block to find us! We're like a two-headed dog. Party in the front, burgers in the back.
Q: Do you have parking?
A: Yes, we have 5 designated parking spots behind the building in the permitted lot, but they are first come - first to park. However, city street parking is available for free in two hour blocks on weekdays before 6pm and always free on nights and weekends.
Q: Do you take reservations?
A: No, but we appreciate a heads up for parties of 10 or more and we can accommodate large groups or parties at The Porch. You can call ahead at 512-392-9824.
Q: How late is your kitchen open?
A: Kitchen is open until 11pm every day.
Q: Do you allow kids? Dogs?
A: Yes, children with adult supervision are always allowed. Dogs are very welcome at The Porch.
A: u21 minors without a parent are NOT allowed after 9pm.
Q: What year was The Taproom established?
A: The Taproom first opened on New Years Eve, December 31, 1994. Sara Chavez and Sam Strahan are the third ownership group to operate the restaurant and bar, having purchased the businesses on November 1, 2021.
Q: What happened to the ribs, the chicken bacon ranch pita, the mozz sticks?!?!?!
A: Restaurants change. Times change. Tastes change. We all went through a global pandemic and on the other side of it is just a new world. Our menu is now smaller with an emphasis on more hand-made items. We're sorry if your favorite menu item is no longer something we offer and hope you can find something new to love.
Q: I completed my Around The World / World Travel card, but my quote is still not on the wall - what gives?
A: Yes, we still honor and celebrate those that have completed our world traveler beer club challenge by placing your name and quote on the Wall of Fame! It generally takes us a little bit of time to post new plaques, because we have to wait for 30-40 people to complete their cards before we send to print. Have patience, grasshopper.
Q: When can I expect to get my t-shirt for completing the beer club card?
A: Unfortunately, post-Covid realities make it really difficult for a small business like ours to offer freebies anymore. Merch printing is pricey, y'all. We know it's lame, and honestly, we wish we could do it. Paying the bills just takes precedence. Your reward for completing the beer club challenge is your name and quote on the wall, and a bumper sticker that you can proudly display on your vehicle: "I traveled around the world and all I got was this stupid bumper sticker." Hey -- you did it for the memories, right?
Q: Do you have to be 21 to attend bingo (trivia, etc.)?
A: Yes, you have to be 21 for bingo (18+ for trivia or minors welcome with a parent or legal guardian). Unfortunately, due to the NSFW nature of our bingo game and tobacco-based prizes, we cannot allow any children, even with parents.
Q: Who can I talk to about private parties at The Taproom?
A: Send an email to taproomsanmarcos@gmail.com.
Q: My TXST group (sorority, organization, class) wants to fundraise/campaign at The Taproom. Do you allow that?
A: Yes, we happily allow student groups to fundraise or host awareness campaigns for their organization or event at The Taproom. Fundraising efforts are limited to game nights. For more information, see here.
Q: My TXST group (sorority, organization, class) is raising money for a registered non-profit organization. Can The Taproom do a profit share?
A: Yes, we offer profit share events for non-profit tax-designated organizations and their direct affiliate fundraising organizations. Profit share events are limited to Thursday evenings. For more information, see here.
Q: Who can I talk to about private parties at The Porch?
A: Check out our event overview here, and our more detailed hourly rental rates for The Porch here.
Q: How do I sign up for your email marketing letter?
A: You can sign up for our newsletter here.
Q: Can I purchase an e-gift card online for myself or someone else?
A: Sure can! Fill out your information and pay for digital gift cards here.
Q: How can I check the balance on my Taproom gift card?
A: Check the balance on your gift cards here.
Q: How can I sign up for the Taproom rewards program?
A: You can sign up for your Taproom rewards account here.
Q: How can I check the balance on my Taproom rewards account?
A: You can check the balance of your rewards account here.
Q: Who can I talk to about Taproom/Porch sponsoring / donating to an event?
A: A donation request form can be found on the website here.
Q: I am a brand/business/new alcohol. How can I market my products and services at The Taproom?
A: A breakdown of our marketing and promotional opportunities at both businesses can be found here.
Q: Do you offer catering?
A: That depends on the scope, date and time of your event. Please send an email to taproomsanmarcos@gmail.com with details.
Q: Do you deliver?
A: Yes, we offer delivery through DoorDash, UberEats, Favor, and GrubHub. You can order directly through those apps for delivery. We also offer pickup through our website.
Q: How do I book a show at The Porch? Can I talk to the booker?
A: Booking information can be found on the website here. We book 2-3 months in advance, so please be patient if you've already emailed but haven't heard back. No, we do not book shows over the phone.
Q: I’ve already emailed and they haven’t responded to me WTF?
A: The talent buyer books shows 2-3 months in advance. Please be patient and they will email as they are able. If you don't hear from them, don't take it personally - you just might not be right for the room.
Q: I am a journalist, reviewer, tv show, influencer, etc. and have a question for the owners. How can I reach them?
A: Please leave a message with the admin email account here and the owners will get back with you as soon as they are able.